Bee in Bloom was born in the minds of husband and wife team Brent and Sara Whitehead. Brent grew up on a farm in rural Canada, earned a degree in medicine from Loma Linda University, and practices medicine in Bellingham Washington. Sara grew up in Southern California, earned a degree in Biology from Point Loma Nazarene University, and has taught High School and Middle School science. They live in Lynden Washington where they raise three daughters. “Bee in Bloom” brings together their passion for biology, farming and medicine.
Brent is from Canada. He was born and raised on a Farm in Alberta. He moved to San Diego to go to school where he met Sara. He has an MD and his undergraduate degree is in Biology and Chemistry.
Sara grew up in Southern California. She met Brent in College. She is a high school science teacher and has a degree in Biology.
Kids (now adults)
Brent and Sara have 3 beautiful girls.